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Need urged for exploiting Pakistan trade potential with Europe

KARACHI, Oct 15 :Chairman Pakistan Hitech Hybrid Seed Association (PHHSA) Shahzad Ali Malik Sunday stressed the urgent  need for  fully exploiting Pakistan trade potential with Europe

In press release, he said that the European region was rich in opportunities that could contribute substantially to our economic growth and prosperity.

He said Europe stands as one of the world’s largest and most influential trading blocs.

The European Union, in particular, offered a vast market with diverse consumer needs and preferences, the chairman added.

He said  in recent years, there had been a growing emphasis on enhancing trade relations between Pakistan and European countries which presented us with a golden opportunity to strengthen our economic ties and foster mutual benefits.

He said Pakistan possessed a myriad of products, including textiles, leather goods, surgical instruments, and agricultural produce, which were in high demand globally.

“By focusing on quality, innovation, and meeting international standards, we can tap into the European market effectively,” he added.

Moreover, with the Generalized System of Preferences Plus (GSP+), Pakistan enjoyed preferential access to European markets, providing us with a competitive edge, he observed.

He said to fully exploit this potential, it was imperative for the government and private sector to collaborate closely.

Investments in infrastructure, technology, and skill development are crucial to enhance the quality and competitiveness of our exports.

Simultaneously, promoting awareness among local businesses about European market trends, regulations, and consumer behavior would enable us to tailor our products accordingly, he maintained.

Shahzad Ali said strengthening ties with chambers of commerce, trade associations, and business councils in Europe would facilitate networking and collaboration opportunities for Pakistani entrepreneurs.

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